He huihuinga kaimahi Māori te kaupapa o Pātikitiki hei whakawhanaunga, hei whakanui, otirā, hei tuari i ētehi pou tarāwaho Māori e whakahaerengia ana huri noa i te motu. Ko te tāhūhū o te kaupapa nei ko te whakatairanga i ō tātou kaimahi e whakatinana ana i ēnei pou tarāwaho. I ahu mai ai te tohu o te hui nei i te āhua o te ika pātiki hei whakaāhua i te ngahue me te huhua o ngā hua o ā tātou mahi whakarauora i te whānau kia āhei ai tēnā, me tēnā ki te whakatutuki ōna wawata.
Pātikitiki is a forum for kaimahi Māori to whakawhanaunga, celebrate & share Māori Frameworks utilised in practice. The kaupapa recognises the unique contribution kaimahi Māori make to uplift and protect mauri in the journey of whānau wellbeing. The tohu and name of the symposium are symbolic of the pātiki and represents favourable conditions, abundance. As kaimahi Māori, this is the environment we aim to create with our frameworks to inspire whānau to achieve their aspirations.