Tech-anga a fusion of technology & tikanga to support indigenous innovation
Patrick has shared his Māori model of practice called Tech-anga which is a fusion of Technology & Tikanga that supports indigenous innovation.
Kia āta poipoi, kia āta tūhono: Nurture and connect findings from the Tūhono Māori Research Study
Dr Mikahere-Hall was also an associate investigator on the E Tū Wāhine, E Tū Whānau: Wāhine Māori keeping safe in unsafe relationships research study and co-authored the report supported by the Marsden Fund and administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi. This study sought to understand how Māori women keep themselves safe in unsafe relationships.
Oranga Ngākau
Oranga Ngākau is a model of practice that supports learning, healing and growth through music. Kataraina will outline the three principles that underpin the model - waiata, wairua and waiora and discuss the notion of the alignment between oranga ngākau and Mauri Ora.
Whare Tukutuku
A collaboration between Te Rau Ora and the New Zealand Drug Foundation. The aim is to build a community based and informed mātauranga Māori approach to working with whānau experiencing Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Primary harm.
Ko te pātiki he kai, he ika, he tohu!
In the realm of Māori aspiration both past present and future as workers within our community in health and well-being, we rely on the kaitiakitanga of Papatūānuku. Her abundance. Her generosity. Her protection. Her participation. Her compassion and her foresight for all of us.
Wairua Led Hauora
In the realm of Māori aspiration both past present and future as workers within our community in health and well-being, we rely on the kaitiakitanga of Papatūānuku. Her abundance. Her generosity. Her protection. Her participation. Her compassion and her foresight for all of us.
He Rākau Taumatua – (Ngaia, TW. 2018) A Māori Model of Leadership Practice
Te Rita was encouraged by her parents to pursue education and a musical career which began with studying classical piano and singing. She completed both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Waikato. Her Master’s degree was on Waiata-ā-ringa (Māori Action Song).
A Treaty-based approach to rangatiratanga and authority
From 1994 – 1997 Tuari managed the Taha Māori programme at Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs before moving to the Community AOD Service in Christchurch where he helped establish a Whānau Clinic for Māori clients and a Māori Methadone programme.
Tools to advance whānau, hapū, iwi social, cultural, health and economic wellbeing
Grown and nurtured in West Auckland and a long-serving worker of Te Whānau o Waipareira, Jacqui (Director Whānau Ora) works along her team to develop and embed a fully integrated, multi–sector solution that is led and designed by families based on their aspirations.
Tools to advance whānau, hapū, iwi social, cultural, health and economic wellbeing
Sharon has been providing consulting services for nearly 20 years. Sharon is a director and principal of Shea Pita and Associates Ltd, a kaupapa Māori company that specialises in equity, diversity, outcomes and working with clients to create sustainable and effective solutions.