Tech-anga a fusion of technology & tikanga to support indigenous innovation


Ngāti Awa

Ko Pūtauaki te Maunga

Ko Rangitaiki te Awa

Ko Mataatua te Waka

Ko Ngāi Tamaoki te Hapu

Ko Ngāti Awa te Iwi

Patrick Salmon currently resides in the Waikato and is the first national appointee at Whānau Āwhina Plunket as their Indigenous Innovator.

Patrick holds a Masters degree in Indigenous Applied Knowledge and aimed his focus towards indigenous innovation.

Not only does Patrick Serve his physical community in his role, he also serves his online community of over 100k members that tune in every day of the week in their thousands to the online platform he created called KAIRUA.

Patrick will be sharing his Māori model of practice called Tech-anga which is a fusion of Technology & Tikanga that supports indigenous innovation.


Nō roto te kohu … From within the mist


Kia āta poipoi, kia āta tūhono: Nurture and connect findings from the Tūhono Māori Research Study