The Healer Within
Hinewirangi is an artist, poet, and a visionary. She is the Vice Chair of the International Indian Treaty Council and is a Representative for the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement. Hinewirangi teaches in Aotearoa and abroad, conducting workshops on all aspects of Māori philosophies of mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Te Hāpori Ora – The Village of Wellbeing
Servicing Community Hauora – Collectively, Consciously, Effectively. This presentation celebrates the value of community mobilisation and co-design within the scope of transforming all forms of violation while focussing on whānau, hapu and community wellbeing development.
Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri
Wi composed the waiata ‘Io’ for tangata whaiora and has shared it with many in the mental health and addiction sector. Whakataukī were included to honour the memories he has of his elder brothers, Hemi, Paraire and Tama.
Working with rangatahi
The purpose of Tumanako’s master’s research was to understand the importance of incorporating Māori values (tikanga, wairua, whakawhanaungatanga) when engaging in Child Adolescent Mental Health Services. Tumanako explores how these values informed and shaped his practice as a Maori indigenous Youth Forensics clinical social worker.
Nō roto te kohu … From within the mist
Opportunity to explore potential is complex specifically when Wairua, tikanga, mauri, mana, tapu, ahua, noa among many others clash. Everything exists in its own right for its own reason purpose and realities. A place to exist for every moment, a time is right when it is right, A cause is never without effect, these are compromised so too is the integrity of it all.
Tech-anga a fusion of technology & tikanga to support indigenous innovation
Patrick has shared his Māori model of practice called Tech-anga which is a fusion of Technology & Tikanga that supports indigenous innovation.
Kia āta poipoi, kia āta tūhono: Nurture and connect findings from the Tūhono Māori Research Study
Dr Mikahere-Hall was also an associate investigator on the E Tū Wāhine, E Tū Whānau: Wāhine Māori keeping safe in unsafe relationships research study and co-authored the report supported by the Marsden Fund and administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi. This study sought to understand how Māori women keep themselves safe in unsafe relationships.
Oranga Ngākau
Oranga Ngākau is a model of practice that supports learning, healing and growth through music. Kataraina will outline the three principles that underpin the model - waiata, wairua and waiora and discuss the notion of the alignment between oranga ngākau and Mauri Ora.
Whare Tukutuku
A collaboration between Te Rau Ora and the New Zealand Drug Foundation. The aim is to build a community based and informed mātauranga Māori approach to working with whānau experiencing Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Primary harm.